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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Paperclip and Straw Towers!

     The Future Engineers Club at Commack High School is certainly starting to become very popular! Last week, our vice-president, Scott, came up with a fun, exciting contest for everyone to participate in. The idea of the contest was to build a tower made of only paperclips and straws. The winner of the contest would be the group who made the tallest tower. However, there would be a prize given to the most creative tower as well. 
     To begin the contest, the club members got into small groups. Each group came up with a very creative name. Additionally, each group got to come up with a design for their tower to make it as strong, tall, and as interesting as possible. Here are some pics of the groups over the past two weeks working together to make their towers:

     Next week our vice-president will be judging the completed towers to determine the winner! Want to know who won? Well stay tuned and look back next week to see the winners!


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